CMYK masked blue chips

My works on paper are always to be understood in the context of the performative: concept, reflective attitude, “poetry of action” (Henri Focillon). The source material of CMYK masked blue chips-series are screenshots of websites, captured by open-source software, printed on paper which has been painted with one of the four printing colours respectively. All screen prints are hand-pulled by me.

CMYK masked blue chips_Elaine Sturtevant: Warhol Gold Marilyn, 2004


Acrylic and screen print on paper
4-part work; the first of five series each consisting of 4 unique pieces, each 100 cm x 70 cm

The first picture of 4-part work, 100 cm x 70 cm

CMYK masked blue chips_min G max D Ex[log(D(x))] +Ez[log(1-D(G(z)))]: Edmond de Belamy, 2018


Acrylic and screen print on paper
4-part work; the first of five series each consisting of 4 unique pieces, each 100 cm x 70 cm

The second picture of 4-part work, 100 cm x 70 cm

CMYK masked blue chips_Leonardo da Vinci: Salvator Mundi, c. 1500


Acrylic and screen print on paper
4-part work; the first of five series each consisting of 4 unique pieces, each 100 cm x 70 cm

The second picture of 4-part work, 100 cm x 70 cm


Screenshot live-stream/ Exhibition view
Projected.Capital, Roehrs & Boetsch, Zurich, Switzerland, 2018

CMYK masked blue chips_Joan Mitchell: Untitled, 1960


Acrylic and screen print on paper
4-part work; the first of five series each consisting of 4 unique pieces, each 100 cm x 70 cm

The third picture of 4-part work, 100 cm x 70 cm


CMYK masked blue chips_Georgia O’Keeffe: Jimson Weed/White Flower No 1, 1932


Acrylic and screen print on paper
4-part work; the first of five series each consisting of 4 unique pieces, each 100 cm x 70 cm

The second picture of 4-part work, 100 cm x 70 cm

CMYK masked blue chips_Lucio Fontana: Concetto Spaziale, Attese, 1965


Acrylic and screen print on paper
4-part work; the first of five series each consisting of 4 unique pieces, each 100 cm x 70 cm

The first picture of 4-part work, 100 cm x 70 cm


CMYK masked blue chips_Pablo Picasso: Le Sauvetage, 1932


Acrylic and screen print on paper
4-part work; the first of five series each consisting of 4 unique pieces, each 100 cm x 70 cm

The source material is a motif from an art auction website represented by a meta search engine, as a screenshot marked with a colour matte, printed on paper which has been painted with one of the four printing colours respectively.

The fourth picture of 4-part work, 100 cm x 70 cm
